Saturday, August 29, 2009

i feel God in this chiles tonight.

bahaha im watching the office right now, season two dundees award and its pretty funny :) lori and i played the office trivia game last night too, i cant wait for new office episodes!! my butt is currently parked on the couch, my knees are throbbing and i ran 17.5 miles this morning! the weather was perfect, 55 degrees when i started, 60 when i finished and very little sun. gorgeous! it took me quite a while to get into my groove where i felt good, but it was overall a fairly good run. i feel better now than i did when i finished my 16 miler a couple weeks ago. only 6 weeks til race pumped! i kind of wish i had gotten my act together and ran for a charity or something, the cbus marathon didn't have any that i could find that took runners on unfortunately. so i totaled my miles from i think may 25th up until now and i have logged 358 miles!! craziness!!!! that seems like SO much!! its been a perfect perfect summer for training, im very thankful for the cooler weather this summer. tay and i are going to get crazy running tights to run in...possibly pink zebra tights :) what color do you think?? running funky i like the cow and giraffe, but they aren't very colorful!

off for a nap, and then babysitting at 4:30 for ethan and aidan. hopefully they don't have much energy tonight...not sure i will be able to keep up with them lol. can't wait for next weekend, i get to see some of my favorite people! (nick, beth, j!) and our crab cake dinner is next weekend toooo :)

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