Thursday, June 3, 2010

new rotation.

i'm onto a new rotation this week, hematology (study of the physiology of the blood & blood disorders) and oncology (cancer). i think i mentioned this in my last post, i can't remember, but the dietitian i'm with also works with a lot of failure to thrive kids. very sad stuff, but i like the challenge of working with families and kids and trying to find what works to get them to grow whether that be through a tube feeding or regular food.

saw a patient with ALL (acute lymphocytic leukemia) today. ALL is the most common leukemia seen in kids and is also the most treatable. there is also a type called AML (acute myelogenous leukemia) which is treated much more aggressively and is harder to get into remission. i also will be seeing another patient tomorrow with hodkin's lymphoma (type of cancer originating in the white blood cells, that spreads from one lymph node to another). the survival rate is very high when detected early on. this patient i am seeing is having a bone marrow transplant soon for the treatment of her disease. props to oncologists...although these diseases are super interesting, it has got to be such a difficult job to lose so many patients. i can't even imagine being a pediatric oncologist. it just seems so unfair to these kids, they are perfectly normal/healthy and then boom, their worlds are turned upside down. they are amazing really (the kids that is). i suppose the doctors are too...

i think i'm doing my neurology rotation next which i am SO excited about. i loved working in neurology last year during my internship and really hope i hear back about the neurology position i applied to.

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